Designathon Works
Where children design better futures using new technologies
Designathon Works envisions a world, where children’s creativity and technological know-how is cultivated to design a sustainable world for people and planet.
Worldwide there are 2 billion children of school going age. How can we prepare them to prosper in a rapidly changing, increasingly technological and complex world? How can they learn to design a better world for themselves and the planet?
Armed with these urgent questions, 15 years experience in designing education programs in widely diverse contexts from Afghanistan to the Netherlands, plus a belief that all children can contribute to designing a better world, we at Designathon Works are attempting to answer this challenge by developing and spreading our method in schools, through hosting bespoke designathon events for companies and organizations, and through our own Global Children's Designathon held around the globe every two years.
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Our method is a specially developed design thinking method for children, which incorporates thinking and making with technologies, for children in the 7 to 12 year range. The methodology borrows from design thinking and the maker movement and takes inspiration by education innovators such as John Dewey, The Reggio Emilia approach, Seymour Papert and Socrates.
Through this learning method children harness their natural creativity, develop empathy, explore new technologies by making with them and in their implications for society:
We operate as a non-profit, all incomes are invested in spreading designathons to children around the world.
Learning by design with technology in the classroom
Name *
First Name
Last Name
Email Address *
Name of the school *
Occupation *
What do you hope to get out of this workshop?
We want to spread our method properly. That's why we regularly organize introductory workshops. The next one will be held on a Wednesday somewhere in April / May 2016. Date is to be specified.
Please register using the form on the right.
What: meet the Designathon Works- learning by design with technology in the classroom
When: a Wednesday somewhere in April / May 2016. Date is to be specified. From 14:30 to 17:00
Where: at the Freedom Lab,
Plantage Middenlaan 62, Amsterdam
For whom: for school directors, teachers, board members, technical coordinators and bevo coordinators in
primary education
Goal: get acquainted with learning by design with technology in the classroom. It is a hand's-on session. We learn by experience.
Cost: free of charge
Registration: please register using the form. We have room for 15 participants
Let the children play.
15 hours ago
RT @eduardm: Happy Birthday Seymour! A #Scratch project by @mres:
15 hours ago
Supported by Freedom Lab
Design-a-Thon summary rapport
Here's what Fast Company says about the Global Children's Design-a-Thon
© 2015 by Children's Design-a-Thon